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My dearest friends,
On the way up we learned Zohar and spoke about the idea of the day. We poured out our hearts in prayer to Hashem at Rav Shimon’s kever where I Davened for all of you, as requested.
This morning I went to the Kosel haMaaravi and I again Davened for all of you. (See pictures)
It is apropos that I went to my Rebbe’s gravesite on Lag B’omer because he is the one who opened up to me, and to the whole generation, the teachings of Rav Shimon bar Yochai’s Zohar and the Arizal.
May all our Tefillos be accepted b’Rachamim ub’Ratzon on this holy day where all the “Dinim” turn into “Rachamim” and in the merit of Rav Shimon bar Yochai and my Rebbe ZT”L whose life work was to explain the teachings of the Zohar.
Keep Davening all day for whatever you need, as well as for the rest of the Jewish people.
Besoros Tovos