I, the seller undersigned below and on all the adjoining documents give authorization and full permission to the Av Beis Din Rabbi Elchanan Peretz. Shlit”a and his Beis Din, him, or any of his Dayanim individually, or anyone who they may appoint, to do as they wish with my Chometz on the days of the 13th of Nissan 5783 and the 14th of Nissan 5783. This pertains to all types of chometz, mixtures containing chometz, and “chometz nuksheh” that belong to me, whether I am aware of these items or not, which are in the places that are mentioned below. This permission and authorization to the above-mentioned rabbis is also granted by all those who have empowered me and sent me to act on their behalf in their sale of their Chometz.
Regarding my chometz and the chometz of those who asked me to act on their behalf, the above mentioned rabbis can do anything with the chometz like a person acting on what is rightfully his, whether to sell it, whether to make it “Hefker” so that anyone would be allowed to take it, or “Bitul” where it is annulled from any significance, in all instances they may do as they see fit. The terms and conditions of this bill of authorization will also apply to someone who gave authorization over the telephone or online or merely attempted or wished to give authorization by telephone or online. These terms apply to anyone who is genuinely interested in selling his/her chometz through Rabbi Elchanan Peretz and all those he authorizes, and all those authorized by the Chukas Mishpat Beis Din in every location, and all those that are authorized by them.
Articles of chometz include: seeds, flours from the five types of grain that make chometz in any form, breads, bread crumbs, toast, matzos that are chometz, biscuits, all types of cookies and baked goods, noodles and all types of pasta, snacks, sweets, spreads, preserved products, spices, cosmetics, soaps, medicines, vitamins, beer, alcoholic beverages, meat poultry and fish dishes that contain chometz, and all types of chometz and mixtures containing chometz, and anything that could become chometz, and chometz that is stuck to vessels or any objects. All the above-mentioned types of chometz in my possession or that may be in my house or my storage units or on any locations that have any connection to me or connection to my house or in huge vessels of mine such as my car and any vehicle of mine are included in this authorization to sell or dispose of chometz. So also, any rights I have in chometz such as rights in a company or corporation that owns or produces chometz or stocks or shares in a company that owns or produces chometz, that and all that is that category or similar are all included in this authorization.
I am hereby sending the above-mentioned rabbis to sell on the days of the 13th of Nissan 5783 and 14th of Nissan 5783 all the types of chometz mentioned above that belong to me whether they are known to me or not, and to sell all types of chometz mentioned above for those on whose behalf I am acting, and those who entrusted me with their chametz in the above-mentioned places.
So also, I appoint the above mention rabbis as my agents with full authorization and permission to rent out until but not including the 23rd of Nissan 5783 all the areas and objects that were mentioned above and to follow is a list of the places that I wish them to rent out until but not including the 23rd of Nissan 5783 and they are:
Locations to be Rented
such places and vessels and shelves upon which I am storing chometz, be it my chometz, be it chometz of others that are in my domain, they too will be included in the rental of the places and objects mentioned by me above or that have been designated to not be used during Pesach. As mentioned above, the rental period terminates immediately upon the 23rd of Nissan 5783. The exceptions to this rental are the places that I intend to check for chometz.
I hereby grant authorization and permission to all the rabbis mentioned above to perform all the legal activities mentioned above or in part, individually or through others that they designate, in any manner that they wish. They are empowered by the laws of “shelichus” and the laws of “zechiya” and they are empowered to make all types of sale (“Kinyanim”) with the buyer, whatever it takes to make this sale legally binding by Torah law and by the law of the state.
The above-mentioned rabbis may act as if they are acting on their own property, and “their mouth is like my mouth” and “their hand is like my hand”, so much so that if they would make any admission that has any legal or financial consequences regarding what is included in this bill, it will be as if I made that admission. They may sell or rent to any person they see fit at any price that they want, even on credit, and I waive the right to claim against them “I only sent them for my benefit and not for my deficit”("לתקוני שדרתיך ולא לעוותי")
And I hereby say to whoever is the designated buyer of the above mentioned rabbis: Whenever the rabbi asks you to give a down payment to make a monetary acquisition upon the chometz, give the down payment to the rabbi that he should truly acquire the money for himself and through that all the above-mentioned locations and objects will be rented and to you and you will acquire all of the above mentioned chometz. I hereby commit myself to give the buyer all the keys to all the different rooms and places that he has rented as mentioned above at the time that I will be asked to do so, and to enable the buyer passage and access to all the chometz he has purchased.
And I hereby stipulate that all items in this bill of authorization are independent entities and the authorization regarding any given item does not get annulled if the authorization was annulled regarding one of the other items in this bill of authorization.
This bill is to be absolutely binding and is not to be challenged on the basis of any extra or missing words, any fudged or erased words, or any vagueness of language, nor with any claim of that it was done in a manner of "קני את וחמור" . The validity of this bill is like all bills done according to the standards set by Chazal ולא כאסמכתא ולא כטופסי דשטרי and I hereby annul any מסירת מודעה that would call into question my sincerity in signing off on this bill, and permission is granted to certify this bill as a “irretractable granting of power of attorney” by the law of the state.
I hereby declare that any claim that this was a contract “just for show” or a contract “just for religious purposes” should be rejected regarding this bill of authorization and in regard to the sale and the renting that the above mentions rabbis will do with the buyer on the basis of this bill of authorization, and I certainly waive the right to claim that this authorization and the authorized sales and rentals were done “only for show”.
It is agreed that any disagreement or issue requiring judgment regarding this bill of authorization and all the above mentioned that is included in this bill of authorization will be adjudicated by a Beis Din that will be appointed either by the Beis Din Mishpatei Chaim in Yerushalayim, or Beis Din Chukas Mishpat in Yerushalayim, or Beis Din Nesivos Chaim in Yerushalayim.
The seller and all whom he represents are aware that G-d-fearing Jews rely on the sale to the non-Jew that is done based on this bill of authorization to be certain that they are not in violation of being in possession of chometz on Pesach. Therefore, the seller obligates himself that any claim that will be raised regarding the validity of the sale, or the sincerity with which the sale was done, will be rejected as mentioned above and the very act of raising such claims will be punished with a fine of 100,000 new Israeli shekels by the above mentioned Batei Din.
The seller hereby declares that his signature on this bill of sale and on the accompanying documents will have the status of having signed on an arbitration agreement ("שטר בוררין") to be judged and to settle any dispute regarding this bill of authorization in front of the Batei Din mentioned above or whoever they appoint.
To add strength and certainty, the commitment to all the above mentioned has been reinforced with a קנין אגב סודר במנא דכשר למקני ביה
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